“In a parody of James Corden’s popular Late Late Show bit, five members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra packed themselves into an SUV and drove through Dallas on their way to the Meyerson Symphony Center, all while playing a variety of classical tunes,” reads an unsigned Friday (3/24) report at CBS affiliate AMP 103.7 (Dallas/Fort Worth, TX). “DSO concertmaster Alex Kerr is at the wheel, and he picks up co-concertmaster Nathan Olson, Lydia Umlauf (violin), Kara Kirkendoll Welch (flute) and Erin Hannigan (principal oboe) who are all waiting for a ride. They play a rendition of ‘Spring’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Spring, and continue into a cover of Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing.’ The symphony will be performing the Vivaldi piece as part of their performance at the Meyerson from April 27-30, which features the Four Seasons and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6.”
Posted March 27, 2017