“Music director David Robertson and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra have announced a one-year extension of Robertson’s contract, through the 2018-19 season,” writes Sarah Bryan Miller in Tuesday’s (12/20) St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “At the end of that season, his 14th, Robertson will conclude his tenure with the SLSO…. Robertson said that he didn’t have a new assignment with another orchestra. ‘When the time comes, it will be 14 years of intense and rewarding collaboration’ [Robertson said].… Robertson is also music director of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and works widely as a guest conductor. He and his wife, pianist Orli Shaham, live in New York City with their 9-year-old twin sons, Nathan and Alex…. Orchestra president and CEO Marie-Hélène Bernard noted Robertson’s ‘signature adventurous programming, deep artistic collaborations and award-winning recordings. His leadership of the SLSO in countless performances have been met with enthusiastic acclaim…. As an orchestra builder, Robertson is credited with hiring over 40 percent of the ensemble.’ … SLSO vice president Adam Crane said, ‘We will make the 2018-19 season celebratory for David. We will announce more plans to honor his legacy in the coming weeks.’ ”
Posted December 21, 2016
David Robertson photo by Scott Ferguson