“Recently, our national service organization, the League of American Orchestras, published a huge report detailing longitudinal (14 years’ worth) financial and patron data,” writes Delaware Symphony Orchestra Executive Alan Jordan in Wednesday’s (1/18) News Journal (Wilmington, DE). “What did the report say? … Across League member orchestras, 40 percent of total income in 2014 was classified as earned income, 43 percent as contributed income, and 17 percent as investment income…. 46 percent of contributed income came from individuals, with corporations providing 10 percent, foundations 13 percent and public sources (government) 7 percent.” Using comparative pie charts as illustration, Jordan notes, “The DSO tends to trend with—sometimes behind, sometimes ahead of—the national averages…. The revenue source missing most from the DSO’s current pie chart is investment income…. The greater Wilmington area [has] a preponderance of large businesses and private foundations that have traditionally supported the arts … but [have] increasing and increasingly diverse demands…. We will need to increase our contributions from private citizens in larger proportion…. The key to the Delaware Symphony Orchestra’s future success lies in reaching and improving more lives, be it through performances or educational and community outreach efforts.”
Posted January 20, 2017