The 2010-11 season marks the 25th anniversary of Early Music America, the North American service organization for the field of early music. Between December 2010 and summer 2011 more than 100 concerts in 25 states and Canadian provinces will be performed by EMA members to raise awareness of early-music activity in North America. In addition, Performance Today, the nationally syndicated classical music radio program, will broadcast selected concerts during the season. Among the scheduled concerts are the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra’s concerts of Telemann and Vivaldi in California, with countertenor David Daniels (January); Portland Baroque Orchestra’s performances of Bach’s St. John Passion in Oregon (March); Boston Early Music Festival’s C.P.E. Bach concert with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in Massachusetts (March); Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra’s program of Rameau, Blavet, and Leclair in Indiana (March); and Lauda Musicam of Atlanta’s program exploring the Jewish influence in early music (May).
Posted December 17, 2010