As part of its fifth-anniversary celebrations, Gotham Early Music Scene will present six emerging period-instrument ensembles to compete on October 10 at Corpus Christi Church in New York City in its Baroque Performance Competition. Sponsored by Early Music America, the event’s competing ensembles will be Agave Baroque, Ostraka, Pallade Musica, The Sebastians, Les Sirènes, and Zweikampf. Judging the competition will be harpsichordist Andrew Appel; mezzo-soprano Judith Malafronte; flutist Sandra Miller, bassoonist Michael McCraw, and violinist Rachel Barton Pine. The winner of the competition will receive $3,000 and the opportunity to perform during 2013-14 or 2014-15 with the Early Music Guild (Seattle), Early Music Now (Milwaukee), Indianapolis Early Music Festival, and Renaissance & Baroque (Pittsburgh). Gotham Early Music Scene, under the direction of Executive Director Gene Murrow, was founded in 2007 with the goal of supporting and promoting New York’s early-music community.
Posted September 21, 2012