The Solti Foundation U.S. has announced the eleven recipients of this year’s Solti Foundation Career Assistance Awards, given annually to support emerging young American conductors. They are Christopher Allen, resident conductor, Cincinnati Opera, and associate conductor, Los Angeles Opera; Gene Chang, assistant conductor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and music director, Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra; Ankush Kumar Bahl, assistant conductor, National Symphony Orchestra (four-year tenure just completed); Joshua Gersen, assistant conductor, New York Philharmonic, and music director, New York Youth Symphony; Daniel Black, assistant conductor, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, and music director, Oshkosh Symphony Orchestra; Keitaro Harada, associate conductor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, associate conductor, Arizona Opera, and associate conductor, Richmond (Va.) Symphony Orchestra; Yaniv Dinur, assistant conductor, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra; Stefano Sarzani, assistant conductor, Des Moines Metro Opera; Stilian Kirov, music director, Symphony in C, and music director, Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra; Michelle Merrill, assistant conductor and community ambassador, Detroit Symphony Orchestra; and Sameer Patel, assistant conductor, San Diego Symphony. Four of this year’s Solti Foundation Career Assistance Award recipients have previously been featured in the League of American Orchestras’ Bruno Walter National Conductor Preview: Yaniv Dinur, Joshua Gersen, Keitaro Harada, and Sameer Patel.
Posted May 12, 2016