“As the Erie Philharmonic awaits the return to the renovated Warner Theatre this fall, you can vote to bring the concert to your hometown,” states an unsigned article on last Tuesday’s (3/9) YourErie.com. “The philharmonic has announced plans to put on outdoor concerts—ranging from family-style to full brass choir—in parks and venues across the region in June, July and August 2021. You can vote to bring the philharmonic to your hometown by visiting eriephil.org/hometownvotes. Votes will be collected in March and April, and the concert schedule will be released in May. Although a few venues are already solidified, the philharmonic is looking for additional locations or communities that would be excited about the orchestra performing for their community residents. Concerts will be free and open to the public, and will follow all mandated COVID-safety restrictions in place at the time.”
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