In Thursday’s (4/11) Erie Times-News (Pennsylvania), Dave Richards writes, “How do you program a 100th anniversary? You make it a season that’s one in a million. ‘Obviously, we are investing more (into it) and essentially ramping up just about everything we do,’ said Daniel Meyer, the Philharmonic’s music director since 2007. ‘The 100th anniversary is a real milestone, not only in terms of looking back on what we’ve done but as a way to push us toward the future. That means not only bringing in wonderful, internationally known guest artists, but also growing our orchestra and becoming the jewel of our region.’ The Phil will welcome Arturo Sandoval, the brilliant, Cuban-born, Grammy-winning composer and trumpeter, for its Pops opener; he’ll collaborate with the Phil’s principal trumpet player Gary Davis on a duet. Audrey Szychulski, the Phil’s executive director, can’t wait for that one. … The Philharmonic also commissioned two works for its 100th anniversary. Mercyhurst University’s Albert Glinsky has written a piece for the symphonic series, while Pittsburgh-based pianist Sasha Voinoiv will play [a commissioned piece] during the Pops’ ‘Come Home for the Holidays’ show.”
Posted April 12, 2013