“Last week, on what was meant to be Opening Day at Fenway Park, Josh Kantor leaned over the organ in his living room and kicked into a textbook rendition of ‘Take Me Out To the Ball Game,’ ” writes Geoff Edgers in Tuesday’s (4/7) Washington Post. “Then he looked up at his iPhone…. In late March, with the [baseball] season put on pause due to coronavirus concerns, he decided he would try a single video stream from behind his Yamaha Electone and leave it at that. But the online response convinced him to come back the next day…. ‘7th-Inning Stretch’ … airs daily at 3 p.m. as Kantor, aided by his wife, Mary Eaton, takes requests, offers music-and-baseball-related anecdotes and taps into a reservoir of songs that range from Motown and polkas to the Clash and Replacements…. Eaton [is] an ordained minister whose congregation is Boston’s homeless community…. During broadcasts, Kantor makes a pitch for donations to feedingamerica.org.… On consecutive days, Kantor opened with songs by Bill Withers, who died of heart issues, and Fountains of Wayne’s Adam Schlesinger, who died after contracting the coronavirus…. ‘People need this,’ ex-Pogues bassist Cáit O’Riordan said.”
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