“The Konzerthaus Dortmund has commissioned the Fraunhofer Heinrich Institute Goslar to investigate the spatial spread of aerosols and carbon dioxide in a concert hall,” writes Edjan Vukosavljevic in Wednesday’s (1/13) Operawire. “A study looked at the risk of infection for visitors to concert halls, theaters and opera houses…. Tests in the auditorium and foyers of the Dortmund Konzerthaus took place on November 2, 3 & 20, 2020. The project … conducted in collaboration with the German Environment Agency and hygiene experts … demonstrated that the existing central ventilation system and wearing a face mask would greatly reduce aerosol and carbon dioxide pollution…. The overall recommendation was that only half of the auditorium capacity should be used [and] seats should be distributed in a checkerboard pattern.” In addition, the study recommended “complete air exchange with outside air at least every 20 minutes…. North-Rhine Westphalia’s Minister of Culture and Science, Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, said, ‘In view of the great relevance of ventilation, the state government has set up a joint working group with cultural institution representatives who, among others, are currently developing a differentiated opening strategy based on scientific findings.’ ”
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