In Thursday’s (4/4) Daily Athenaeum (Morgantown, West Virginia), Jacob Bojesson writes, “An ordinary Wednesday in the Mountainlair [Student Union, pictured] took an odd turn when classical music suddenly blasted through the speakers. Three dancers started playing an air violin and as the beat started to switch into hip-hop, more and more dancers joined. A large crowd of bystanders circled around the dancers and watched the performance go on for a few minutes. The flash mob was organized by The Martin-Hall Agency, a student-run professional advertising agency out of the Perley Issac Reed School of Journalism, with the purpose of promoting the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Canady Symphony Series concert, The Brandenburg Concertos. ‘We’re trying to sell tickets, and we thought this was a good way to engage and get people involved,’ said Bethany Bloise, account executive at The Martin-Hall Agency. … The flash mob was choreographed by Jessica Burtner, president of the WVU Hip-Hop Club. Burtner used an original sample from the Brandenburg Concertos and created her own remix. ‘I was able to find a YouTube mix with the Brandenburg Concertos, and then we spiced it up with some hip hop,’ Burtner said.”
Posted April 4, 2013