“Fulfilling its mission—connecting with the local community through music—hasn’t been easy for the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra … with changing state restrictions and COVID case rates,” writes Diane Urbani de la Paz in Friday’s (2/19) Peninsula Daily News (Port Angeles, WA). “The 89-year-old symphony has had to go from plan B to plan C to plan D, as conductor and music director Jonathan Pasternack describes it. Concert video recordings planned for this Saturday and for March and May are postponed—and replaced with three new events: a virtual Applause! Auction and two recitals recorded especially for Port Angeles Symphony fans.… In March, … cellist Julian Schwarz and pianist Marika Bournaki … will give a [virtual] recital…. Later this spring … pianist Alexander Tutunov … will present a solo recital.… The video performances will be available via the symphony’s YouTube channel all spring and summer…. The symphony will assemble a string quartet to play during the 2021 Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts, a virtual or possibly hybrid event May 28-31…. Pasternack is planning more performances into the fall and expressing gratitude for … ‘the incredible support of our community, grants and donations we are receiving.’ ”
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