“A Colorado State University study found that the majority of dementia and Alzheimer’s participants experienced an unexpected reversal of cognitive decline from listening to classical music,” writes Ann Brenoff in the Huffington Post on December 2. “While the study was limited in size, the results as they relate to cognitive decline reversal are huge, said the lead researcher, Jeni Cross. Eleven of 15 participants saw a reversal of cognitive decline. ‘That’s stunning for people who have a degenerative disease,’ said Cross, an associate professor in CSU’s Department of Sociology.… The study―known as the B Sharp program―also reported heightened alertness and engagement and more positive interactions between caregivers and their loved ones. Cross said the program also benefited caregivers.… Cross acknowledged that the findings are preliminary, given the limited sample size, but called the results promising.… The B Sharp program was funded by the university, Banner Health, Kaiser Permanente, the Fort Collins Symphony, the Larimer County Office on Aging, the Alzheimer’s Association and an area certified dementia practitioner. Each participant was given season tickets to five performances and concert receptions. Music’s positive effects on Alzheimer’s and dementia patients have been recognized by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.”
Posted December 12, 2016