The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras are in the midst of an initiative to replace musical instruments for Haitian musicians following that country’s devastating earthquake, which destroyed the Holy Trinity School of Music in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian-born conductor Jean Montes, artistic director of GNOYO and director of orchestral studies at Loyola University New Orleans, has been spearheading the effort, known as Haitian Youth Music Relief. In addition to monetary contributions, the relief effort is requesting donations of woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instruments. Also welcomed are donations of musical supplies like strings, rosin, reeds, books, and orchestral, band, chamber-music, choral, and solo scores. Contributions received by March 22 will be included in the first delivery on March 26. Donations should be sent to Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras, Attn: Haitian Youth Music Relief, 170 Broadway, Suite 229, New Orleans, LA 70118. For more information call 504-861-1801 or visit
Posted March 10, 2010