In Friday’s (5/10) Newtown Bee (Connecticut), Eliza Hallabeck writes, “The Newtown High School wind ensemble, orchestra, and choruses will perform the world premiere of Samuel R. Hazo’s Glorificare on May 22 at 7 pm, for all residents who wish to attend. The time and space at NHS was originally set for the NHS orchestra’s concert, and that time will now include the presentation of a special memorial celebrating the lives and spirits of the people lost at Sandy Hook School on 12/14. The entire NHS music department, along with teachers from across the district, community musicians, the Hartford Symphony Orchestra, and the Hartford Voce Singers will perform Mr. Hazo’s Glorificare. NHS Band Director Kurt Eckhardt said he has been familiar with Mr. Hazo’s music for a while, but NHS music students discovered it in December after learning to play the composer’s Ride. … Following the events of 12/14, Mr. Eckhardt said a number of students asked whether something could be done musically to help in the healing process. … Commemorative music pieces have been written in the past for other school tragedies. Unbeknownst to Mr. Eckhardt at the time, Mr. Hazo had written a piece for Virginia Tech following the tragic day in 2007.”
Posted May 13, 2013