We are listening

Since The Hub’s launch in January, we’ve quadrupled the amount of people visiting the site – viewing almost 1,000 articles and updates. Our members have given us a lot of great feedback about what they liked about The Hub, what they didn’t like, and what we could make better.

We are listening and are happy to let you know about some improvements we’ve made to The Hub.  We’re thrilled about these changes and think they make The Hub just that much better, and hope you think so, too.


login_pageYes, you can change your Username & Password

This is the improvement we’re most excited about, and think you’ll feel the same. Just click here to change your username and password instantly.

You will need your current username and password to make the change, but now you’ll be able to change it whenever you want, to whatever you want.


Need Additional Assistance?

If terms like “clearing your cookies” or “browser preference” sound like something only the cool kids are doing, we recommend forwarding this email on to your IT department or a tech savvy colleague. They will be able to clear the old password out of your system to make way for your new one. Additionally, for optimum Hub performance, we recommend using the most updated version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, or your browser of choice. And we promise all of this jargon makes sense to your IT department.


Navigation, Search, and Archives – New and Improved Formula!

Ok, so it’s not going to make your whites whiter or your colors brighter, but we have improved The Hub in a few areas that we’re pleased to tell you about.hub_arch

  • Want to see all the Media View stories for today? (or Who’s In, Industry Buzz, Help Yourself). From The Hub homepage, click on Media View in the orange bar or “More Media View stories” at the bottom of these sections to see all the stories within that section at once.
  • Want all the Media View stories for the last week? For the last month? From The Hub homepage, click on Media View (or Who’s In, Industry Buzz, Help Yourself) in the orange bar. Go to the bottom of the page, click on “View Media View Archive” and welcome to the Archive. You’ll see all the stories in that section listed by date, going back to the launch of The Hub.
  • Want to search for articles about your favorite orchestra or conductor? On the top right of every page in The Hub, you’ll see a Search option. Just type in what you’re looking for and click “Go” – it’s that easy. If it has appeared on The Hub, the Search option will find it.


Fresh Daily, Not Just Mondays and Thursdays
Every day our staff updates The Hub to bring you the most up-to-date news and vital information for and about the field. There is nothing else like The Hub, with news and updates just for orchestras. The Hub has given us more flexibility to serve you better and faster. Breaking news on how orchestras are dealing with the recession? We have it. The review of last night’s world premiere? We have it. Want to know who got that job? We have it.

Every day single day, we have it. And you’ll find it only on The Hub.


Our Really Simple Syndication just got simpler

rssLooking for an easy way to view The Hub, along with all your other news sites? We’ve improved our RSS function and made it easier to use. For most, using an RSS Feed will result in fewer clicks to get to the article you want to read. For more RSS information or to add it to your RSS Feed, click here.

If Really Simple Syndication doesn’t sound so simple to you, remember your IT department loves to show off how much they know – they’ll show you how to set this up in a New York minute.

The Never-ending Quest 

Sure, the League is pleased about improvements to The Hub based on member feedback, but it doesn’t stop there. As with everything we do, the League will continue to strive to provide our members with the best resources possible. We’ll continue to listen to you, make improvements, and let you know when we do. Thanks for all your help, and we look forward to seeing you on The Hub.