“Responding to a January 2015 report that highlighted a lack of racial diversity in New York arts groups, New York City announced March 16 that it has allocated $2 million to the city’s theatre groups to support ‘a more inclusive theatre community,’ ” writes Robert Viagas at Wednesday’s (3/16) Playbill.com. “Guidelines are being sent out to more than 1,000 arts groups and individuals in the five boroughs of New York, seeking applicants for the funds, according to Ryan Max of the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs. Specifically, the grants are being offered to provide training for production and technical personnel such as stage managers; stagehands; costumers; sound and lighting technicians; administrative and management personnel such as company managers; general managers; press agents; development, marketing, advertising and digital media staff; union administrators; and non-performing artistic personnel.… Other categories of theatre management are also eligible…. Individual grants will range from $50,000 to $250,000, out of a total pool of $2 million. The grant period will cover the 18 months from January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, and proposals must cover activities during that time period. However, existing programs that continue into that period will be eligible to apply.”
Posted March 18, 2016