“The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra posted record income last season from ticket sales, according to figures released Monday,” writes Eric Dick in Monday’s (12/5) Indianapolis Star. “The $8.49 million in ticket sales is a 15 percent increase over fiscal year 2015 and the fourth consecutive increase since fiscal year 2013…. Overall attendance … was 275,923 last season. The highest attendance on record, 284,488, was set in 2015. The ISO sold 9,392 student tickets last season, the most ever in a single season…. Annual fundraising of $9.3 million surpassed the total raised in 2015 and marked the fourth consecutive year that annual contributions have exceeded $9 million…. The symphony attributed much of its success to the accomplishments of music director Krzysztof Urbański…. Total operating income was $25.25 million, but the ISO ended the year with a $561,000 deficit, the first operating deficit in four years. The ISO attributed the deficit to a 78 percent increase in medical claims expense and lower than expected ticket sales during the Marsh Symphony on the Prairie season due to poor weather…. Earlier this year symphony musicians and the orchestra approved a new three-year contract, a year ahead of the deadline.”
Posted December 7, 2016