“The cancellation of Kroger Symphony on the Prairie in 2020 was one of the biggest blows to Central Indiana entertainment early in the pandemic,” writes Domenica Bongiovanni in last Monday’s (5/10) Indianapolis Star. “Now, after a year of planning, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Conner Prairie are welcoming audiences once again. On June 25, the symphony’s rendition of Beatles tunes will kick off the popular concert series. The three large LED screens, which launched in 2019, are back, along with food and drinks, and the ability to spread out on the grassy lawn at Conner Prairie. Part of the experience, however, will be different. The symphony will only sell up to 4,000 tickets, which is 50% capacity, for the first concerts to help patrons maintain social distance. The dance floor in front of the stage will be closed, and limits will be placed on table rentals and reserved seating. People will have to wear masks when entering the venue, on pathways, in restrooms, and when they’re waiting in line for food and drinks.”
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