“The city’s still more than two months away from knowing who will replace Maestro Tsung Yeh as the South Bend Symphony Orchestra’s music director,” writes Andrew Hughes in Monday’s (2/13) South Bend Tribune (Indiana). “But now it knows—more or less—what Yeh’s successor will conduct in his first season. At a preview party held Monday night … SBSO executive director Agnieszka Rakhmatullaev announced the orchestra’s 2017-18 season…. The Masterworks series includes such works as Korngold’s Violin Concerto, with guest soloist Rachel Barton Pine, and Mahler’s Symphony No. 1, ‘Titan,’ in the season’s first concert.” The five music director candidates are Keitaro Harada, Stilian Kirov, Vladimir Kulenovic, José Luis Novo, and Alastair Willis. “The June H. Edwards Mosaic Series [of chamber concerts] begins Oct. 15 with the SBSO accompanying a screening of the Charlie Chaplin silent film ‘The Rink’ [followed] by classical works used in other films…. The Dake Chamber Music Academy [will be expanded] to include middle school students in addition to high school students.” Also planned are three pops concerts and a March 3 family concert that Rakhmatullaev said the orchestra felt “was important … to create something that families can enjoy together … (and) that becomes a family tradition.”
Posted February 14, 2017