In Monday’s (7/1) Amarillo Globe-News (Texas), Chip Chandler reports, “Jacomo Rafael Bairos was announced as the 17th music director and conductor of the Amarillo Symphony … the culmination of a two-year-long process and nearly two months of secrecy. Bairos, associate and guest conductor of the Charlotte [N.C.] Symphony Orchestra from 2010-13, was selected from three finalists and more than 200 applicants to replace Kimbo Ishii-Eto, who was hired in 2007 … His plans include programming music by living American composers in addition to the classics of the repertoire, engaging with young musicians through education and making ‘a few format tweaks and enhancements here and there,’ he said … Breaking with tradition, Bairos said he will not live either full- or part-time in Amarillo, but said he will ‘hang out here as much as I can.’ Born in Portugal of American and Portuguese parents, Bairos moved to South Florida as a child. He attended the Juilliard School of Music and had a career as a professional tuba player before moving into conducting. He has worked with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Tallahassee (Fla.) Symphony Orchestra, the Malaysia Philharmonic and more.” Bairos’s appointment was also reported 7/1 by Shannel Douglas on
Posted July 3, 2013