“The Juilliard School in New York City has today launched a new online ‘Open Classroom’ offering a suite of short 6-week internet-based performing arts courses,” reads an unsigned Tuesday (3/7) The Violin Channel article. “Developed in collaboration with the edX web-based learning platform, the new multi-modal curriculum aims to connect the school, and its faculty, with a global audience. Course topics, taught by members of Juilliard’s … faculty, range from ‘Conquering Performance Anxiety’ to ‘Music Theory 101’ to ‘Sharpening Your Piano Artistry’ to ‘How to Listen to Great Music for Orchestra.’ The latest-technology classes also include an innovative video-sharing platform that allow students to form interactive practice groups with their peers and instructors…. Intended to reach non-Juilliard students, all ‘Open Classroom’ short-course graduates will receive a statement of accomplishment upon completion.” Said Juilliard President Joseph W. Polisi, “Without changing our on-campus curriculum, Open Classroom will allow us to expand the reach and impact of our educational programmes, giving students of drama, music, and dance around the globe the opportunity to develop their craft and to understand the inner workings of great works of art under the guidance of some of the world’s greatest performing arts educators.”
Posted March 10, 2017