The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra in performance.

In Thursday’s (5/23) WMUK (Michigan), Cara Lieurance reports, “The new season of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra includes 21 live concerts over 5 unique series: Masterworks, Sound Waves, Symphony Special Events, Craft Music, and KSO by Candlelight. On WMUK’s Let’s Hear It, Cara Lieurance spoke to KSO executive director Jessica Mallow Gulley and music director Julian Kuerti for details about planning a balanced, community-focused, and innovative season. Probably the most-recognized name in classical music today is cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Kuerti tells a story about how years ago, rising star Ma visited his childhood home to rehearse for a concert with Kuerti’s father, pianist Anton Kuerti. Julian Kuerti and Ma will perform together next season in a Jun 2 special event. A new series this season is Sound Waves, which amplifies community connections and the versatility of KSO ensembles as they join in presentations of Baroque music, hip-hop, modern dance, and more.”