“Despite a limited audience, returning to the Tennessee Theatre stage last month was a ‘deeply moving’ experience for Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Music Director Aram Demirjian,” writes Ryan Wilusz in Sunday’s (4/18) Knoxville News Sentinel (TN). “ ‘And I know that a number of the musicians on stage with me felt the same way,’ he said. Those emotions will continue in September—this time, with an anticipated full house of fans—when the Knoxville Symphony kicks off a full season of performances scheduled through May 2022. Demirjian expects a ‘joyous reunion’ for musicians and symphony supporters. The symphony [hopes] to pick up where they left off by honoring some of the programs and partnerships they planned to present in 2020…. The symphony will return to the Tennessee Theatre during the 2021-2022 season for … eight [masterworks] concerts. That includes two works by Tchaikovsky and the world premiere of [Michael Schachter’s] ‘The Cycle of Life.’ ” In addition to standard repertoire, the orchestra’s season will include the world premiere of Dosia McKay’s Watercolors, Ellen Reid’s Petrichor, Carlos Simon’s The Block, James P. Johnson’s Drums: A Symphonic Poem, and James DeMars’s SABAR: Concerto for African Drums and Orchestra.
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