The Kronos Quartet is now accepting applications for its “Kronos: Under 30 Project” from composers of any nationality who have not reached age 30 by the deadline of November 16. The quartet will review all applications and choose a composer to write a new work for Kronos in close consultation with the ensemble. The selected composer will receive $5,000 and paid travel and accommodations for planning meetings, a residency, and the world premiere of the commissioned work, to be performed in spring 2014 in San Francisco, during the quartet’s 40th-anniversary season. The commissioning program was launched in 2003 to help nurture the careers of emerging artists and to help Kronos forge stronger connections with emerging composers. Recipients of the quartet’s four previous “Under 30” commissions are Alexandra du Bois for String Quartet: Oculus Pro Oculo Totum Orbem Terrae Caecat; Felipe Pérez Santiago (CampoSanto); Dan Visconti (Love Bleeds Radiant), and Aviya Kopelman (Widows & Lovers). An application and guidelines are available here.
Posted October 5, 2012