On October 20, the Las Vegas Philharmonic will open its first complete season in Reynolds Hall in the recently opened Smith Center for the Performing Arts. The 2012-13 opening-night program will feature Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and Beethoven’s Triple Concerto in C, with pianist Navah Perlman, violinist Philippe Quint, and cellist Zuill Bailey. The season, which the orchestra has dubbed “A Year in Pictures,” comprises five masterworks concerts, including an all-American program in November of works by Copland, Bernstein, Ives, and Barber; and a brass-themed concert featuring Bizet’s Carmen Fantasia, Brahms’s Symphony No. 3, and Gabrieli’s Canzon Septimi Toni a 8 with an honors brass ensemble from the Clark County School District. The orchestra also will perform four pops programs in November, December, February, and March; participants in the December holiday program will include Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman, Former Mayor Oscar B. Goodman; vocalists Travis Cloer and Niki Sclaera; the David Loeb Jazz Quartet; and the Foothill High School Drumline.
Posted August 9, 2012