“An email from The League of American Orchestras about the unsettled future of the arts spurred the University of Toledo’s Debra Davis to pull together a one-day symposium on the topic,” reports Roberta Gedert in Friday’s (2/17) Toledo Blade. “ ‘That email just sort of tipped me in a certain direction, and I thought we should create something for the Northwest Ohio community where we could come together and have a discussion,’ said Davis, the director of the School of Visual and Performing Arts at UT.… The result is SVPA Arts Symposium: The Role of the Arts in Today’s America, a day of panel discussions that will be held on Monday on the main campus of UT. It is a free event.… ‘The fates of our organizations, our people, and our art form are inextricably bound up in the broader currents of our nation and world, which we ignore at our peril,’ ” wrote League President and CEO Jesse Rosen in the November 22 statement. For the Ohio forum, “Davis hopes to bring in not only artists and others already immersed in the local arts community, but those on all sides of the spectrum, to engage in civil discourse.”
Posted February 17, 2017