The League of American Orchestras has launched a partnership with the National Center for Arts Research (NCAR) at Southern Methodist University in Texas. The League will provide NCAR with data from its 800 member orchestras. Established in 2013, NCAR is establishing itself as the leading provider of evidence-based insights for arts and cultural organizations in the U.S. The League joins the Cultural Data Project, the National Center for Charitable Statistics, Theater Communications Group, and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies in providing data for NCAR’s annual reports on the health of the arts and culture sector.
Benefits of this partnership include:
—Solid representation of orchestras within influential and easy-to-use NCAP reports, designed to support arts and cultural leaders in overcoming challenges and increasing impact;
—Robust capacity for comparison between the financial and operational health of orchestras and other arts nonprofits;
—Synchronization of orchestra data and data collection systems with national arts and cultural initiatives, creating a strong platform for future developments.
The League has agreed to supply Orchestra Statistical Report data from 2008-14 to NCAR, within a contract that protects members’ data and allows the League review of any publications featuring orchestra data.
For more, click here.
Posted October 26, 2015