Heather Noonan, the League of American Orchestras’ vice president for advocacy, was interviewed on Friday’s (2/12) Worldview program on Chicago public media station WBEZ. With hosts Jerome McDonnell and Nari Safavi, Noonan discussed the ways that the League and more than 80 national arts organizations are jointly advocating to improve the visa process for international artists and performers visiting the U.S. by making it more reliable and affordable. The accompanying article states that “the process can often be a lengthy one, and on more than one occasion, concerts or exhibitions have been cancelled because the artist did not receive their visa on time.” On February 8, with support from the League and other arts groups, the Arts Require Timely Service Act was introduced in the Senate, co-sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The interview begins at the 34-minute mark here.
Posted February 17, 2016