Want to know more about Carnegie Hall’s outstanding Link Up program for young people? Ken Cole, vice president of Learning and Leadership Development at the League of American Orchestras, will host a free webinar December 9 for member orchestras interested in learning more about Link Up, which introduces students in grades 3–5 to the orchestra through an interactive educational curriculum and culminating concerts. Carnegie Hall provides high-quality resources, including printed curricular guides, concert scripts and visuals, orchestral scores and parts, and an array of program support materials—all at no cost.
Carnegie Hall, currently working with 81 orchestras, is inviting more orchestras to bring Link Up to their communities during the 2016–2017 season. Please join us for this free 30-minute webinar—an introduction to the program—on December 9 at 3:30 pm (EST).
RSVP via email to Anouska Swaray at aswaray@carnegiehall.org. Instructions will be sent to confirmed participants. Visit carnegiehall.org/LinkUp for more information.