“The Longmont Symphony Orchestra board of directors has hired Elliot Moore of Detroit to replace Robert Olson as music director,” writes Karen Antonacci in Sunday’s (5/14) Longmont Times Call (Colorado). “Olson will close the current 50th Anniversary season and then he will retire after 34 years at the helm of the Symphony. Moore is currently the music director and conductor of the Detroit Medical Orchestra. Moore was born in Alaska and earned his Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Michigan…. Moore said he is proud of being able to grow the Detroit Medical Orchestra during his tenure there and he has big plans for the Longmont Symphony Orchestra. He would like to increase programs for children and families and integrate the music with language and visual arts when possible … Additionally, he wants to increase the educational component of the LSO. ‘I want to demystify the conductor’s role,’ Moore said. ‘I want to help people understand what a conductor does through teaching those skills and humanizing the symphonic experience.’ … Moore will move to Longmont in early September…. Moore’s first subscription concert will be in October. He will, however, conduct the LSO’s annual Fourth of July concert.”
Posted May 16, 2017