The Louisville Orchestra in Kentucky has announced plans for its 2011-12 season, which will include ten classics programs, six pops programs, and three early-evening, 90-minute intermissionless programs. Conductors for the season will be Jorge Mester, Bob Bernhardt, Robert Moody, Andrew Grams, Rossen Milanov, Ryan McAdams, and Jason Weinberger; Bernhardt will also deliver six Saturday-morning “Classical U” adult-education programs for first-time concertgoers. The orchestra has lowered subscription prices for the season by 10 percent or more in all seating sections. Following the orchestra’s recent Chapter 11 reorganization, all subscription revenues will be held in escrow, and in the event that any performances are cancelled, ticketholders may request a full refund. Scheduled for the season are works by several Russian composers, including Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Stravinsky’s Pulcinella Suite, Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5, Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2, Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 6, and the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, with soloist Karen Gomyo. The orchestra will also perform Chris Thile’s Mandolin Concerto, with the composer as soloist, Golijov’s Sidereus, and Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde, with mezzo-soprano Susan Platts and tenor Michael Colvin.
Posted May 18, 2011