“The door of St. Vincent de Paul’s Open Hand kitchen opens at noon. The people waiting outside the former church snake through a line to receive a hot meal for free,” writes Scott Utterback in Sunday’s (12/20) Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.) “It happens twice a day, every day, 365 days out of the year…. What was different about this Saturday’s lunch was the collaborative sounds of one keyboard, four strings and a steady rhythm of beats and bells filling the room. ‘I could sit here … all day long and listen,’ Mary Pohl said as she finished her meal…. She’s referring to the three musicians, including Teddy Abrams, music director of the Louisville Orchestra, who is on the keys. ‘We are living the mission of the orchestra, which is to bring music to everyone, regardless of background, regardless of the ability to pay,’ Abrams said. Violinist Scott Moore and percussionist Jecorey Arthur completed the trio. They entertained the crowd while standing 15 feet away from stacks of mattresses that would be pulled out for the homeless Saturday night. ‘It’s humbling to be reminded that some of the things that most of us take for granted should not be taking for granted,’ Moore said.”
Posted December 21, 2015