The Lubbock Symphony Orchestra in Texas has announced that its 2020-21 season will be delayed due to safety concerns regarding COVID-19 and virus-related construction delays at the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences, its performance home. The organization plans to announce new concert dates by August 15, 2020. “The safety of our patrons, musicians and staff is our number one priority, which is why we made the difficult decision to delay the start of our 20-21 season,” said Galen Wixson, LSO president and CEO. “While we are disappointed to postpone these concerts, especially during a time when our community needs the joy that music brings, we are confident that the LSO will return to the stage in early spring 2021.” Wixson said the LSO is working with the Buddy Holly Hall to book alternative dates next spring for the five concerts in its Masterworks Series and its May 2021 concert featuring vocalist Kristen Chenoweth. The LSO will honor current season subscribers’ tickets for the new concert dates. “Making the decision to delay the earlier part of the season now ensures we will still be able to hold a full Masterworks season in the spring,” said Wixson.
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