“The Portland Symphony Orchestra has received a $600,000 gift that will provide more money for musicians and for music education in Portland schools,” writes Bob Keyes in Wednesday’s (9/28) Press Herald (Portland, Maine). “The grants from the Bingham Trust will provide $50,000 in operating funds annually for three years beginning in 2017, and $150,000 in restricted funds for three years to be invested in the PSO’s endowment. Income from investing the money will be used to pay musicians and for the PSO Explorers program. Excluding bequests, the gift is the largest the symphony has received, Executive Director Carolyn Nishon said in a statement. PSO Explorers is an arts-integrated curriculum for early elementary school students at Reiche and Longfellow elementary schools in Portland. It began three years ago as a pilot program, and has grown to include kindergarten and first grade.”
Posted September 29, 2016