“The organizers of Miami’s 24th Mainly Mozart festival understand the joys and shortcomings of the wedding ritual and have selected works for this year’s finale that will present the celebration with all its quirks,” writes Sean Erwin in Wednesday’s (6/21) Miami Herald. On Sunday, the festival, produced by the Miami Chamber Music Society, will “unite musicians from the Cleveland and Cincinnati orchestras, dancers from Miami City Ballet and the work of poet-scholar Mitchell Chefitz, rabbi at Temple Beth Israel Miami, for a closing performance that includes works from Shostakovich and Prokofiev…. This year’s finale may be entitled ‘The Jewish Bride,’ but the idea was to acknowledge the subject’s rich musical tradition.… In past years the finale included a featured performer, and this year’s highlights celebrated Israeli clarinetist, Moran Katz. [Artistic Director and pianist Marina] Radiushina previously worked with Katz when they both were members of Carnegie Hall’s Affiliate Ensemble…. Katz has arranged a traditional klezmer tune for the program…. Clarinet drives the concluding piece by contemporary Israeli composer Boris Pigovat, whose ‘Jewish Wedding’ features a fiery klezmer, where the clarinet screeches out notes and even mimics fits of laughter.”
Posted June 23, 2017