From the time that COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) first impacted the performing arts, The Hub has been tracking postponements and cancellations by U.S. and international orchestras, performing arts centers, and conservatories.
The League of American Orchestras is posting resources and information about coping with the pandemic as a service to the orchestra field. These resources include information about the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security package; discussion groups and one-on-one consultations for League members; guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and other authorities; and more. Find regularly updated resources and information on the League’s coronavirus preparedness site.
The following orchestras and music organizations have recently announced postponements, cancellations, and other shifts in concerts and related activities due to the global pandemic. Many orchestras, musicians, conservatories, and others are posting videos, recordings, and educational resources online free of charge; visit the League of American Orchestras’ new, regularly updated directory of digital programming at Note: orchestras and music festivals are revising their plans as the situation evolves; refer to individual websites and social media pages for the most up-to-date information. (This list is not complete, and we will continue to post announcements as they arrive.)
The Charlotte Symphony (North Carolina) has announced a new summer schedule for concerts postponed due to the pandemic. Slated for August 7-22, the festival will include pops, classical, orchestra-with-film, and family concerts as well as a free community concert. The orchestra will present performances only when it is safe to do so. The orchestra has rescheduled a few events to 2021, and several concerts between March and June were previously cancelled, including Summer Pops at Symphony Park in June and July. The orchestra is posting audio of past performances, listening guides, educational materials, and other content online.
Little Rock Winds (Arkansas) has cancelled concerts on April 30 and May 17 as well as a free season-finale concert on June 14.
The Music Academy of the West (Santa Barbara, California) has cancelled its in-person Summer School and Festival and moved the event to a virtual platform. During the Music Academy Remote Learning Institute (June 14-July 10), young musicians will participate in remote training and performances with faculty artists. Recordings, livestreamed events, and masterclasses will be available for viewers online. The Institute will be extended through July 25 to offer career-development and content-creation instruction. Deferred enrollment to the 2021 Summer Festival has been offered to the young musicians. The organization had previously moved the first half of the 2020 program online.
The San José Chamber Orchestra (California) cancelled its March 29 concert, following guidelines from the Santa Clara County Department of Health. The world premieres by Joel Friedman and Judith Shatin on that concert will be programmed next season.
The Santa Clarita Philharmonic (California) has postponed its May 16 concert, which was to feature a work by the winner of its Student Concerto Competition as well as Beethoven’s Symphony No. 8.
The Santa Cruz Symphony (California) has cancelled concerts on May 2 and 3 and June 6. The orchestra postponed a recital on April 19 and will announce a new date.
The Stockton Symphony (California) has cancelled all concerts and special events through the end of the season on May 3. These include a donor dinner on March 20, pre- and post-concert receptions on March 21, and concerts on March 21, April 18, and May 3. The orchestra is posting “at home” videos by its musicians.