On November 15, Meet The Composer, the New York-based nonprofit that supports the creation of new musical work, is launching Meet The Composer Studio www.mtcstudio.org, an interactive platform where listeners can connect with composers throughout the creative process. In conjunction with the new site, MTC will hold a festival known as Three-City Dash in April 2011, with three concerts at three different venues in New York City. Featured works at Three-City Dash will feature include works by Kati Agócs, Marcos Balter, Yu-Hui Chang, Glenn Kotche, Dohee Lee, and Ken Ueno; each work will be performed by one of several chamber ensembles, including the Metropolis Ensemble, Music from China, Alarm Will Sound, ETHEL, So Percussion, and International Contemporary Ensemble. As work of the six composers unfolds over the next five months, visitors can check in at the site for progress updates and support the composers by purchasing CDs signed by the composers, as well as autographed concert programs, signed T-shirts, and drawings. Listener/supporters may also sign up for composition lessons with a composer or sign on as the co-commissioner of a new work.
Posted November 15, 2010