In Friday’s (1/28) Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee), Jon W. Sparks writes, “It’s the kind of trio that the Memphis Symphony Orchestra loves to hear. Three charitable organizations have given grants totaling more than $1 million to the symphony to boost community engagement and professional support for musicians. With $550,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, $400,000 from the Plough Foundation and $75,000 from the Thomas W. Briggs Foundation, the orchestra is poised to expand projects on several fronts. … The funds will be used for professional development for musicians, to expand educational programs such as the symphony’s mentoring program with Soulsville Charter School and to further reach into the community with musical programming and other activities. … [Board Chairman Paul] Bert said the MSO has been working to effectively connect with audiences. … He cited the tradition-breaking year-old Opus One series as an example. The orchestra goes without a conductor and partners with nonsymphonic musicians playing adventurous concerts in nontraditional—and packed—venues around town. Symphony musicians also participate in the Leading from Every Chair program that helps businesses develop leadership skills.”
Posted January 28, 2011