“The Memphis Symphony Orchestra’s Dream Project is aimed at having a cultural impact not only onstage but also in classrooms,” writes Jon Sparks in Tuesday’s (8/13) Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee; subscription required). “The project … includes the commission of a musical composition that reflects the historic impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and plans for an accompanying elementary educational curriculum. The venture evolved from members of [Music Director] Mei-Ann Chen’s Circle of Friends, a group of about 150 of the community’s most influential women…. Georgia-born Paul Brantley was selected to create the work to be titled ‘The Rebirth of the Dream.’ It will be performed by the MSO on May 16, 2014…. The associated educational curriculum will be developed in the 2014-15 school year…. Funding has come largely through efforts by the circle and fundraising efforts are continuing, said Becky Wilson, [a] co-chair of the circle.… Organizers say the Dream Project concept is not so much about the life of Dr. King but is rather a look at how his assassination affected Memphis. The aim is to teach how history shapes a city and the importance of having a vision for the community.”
Posted August 21, 2013