Members of the Missoula Symphony Orchestra rehearse on August 20 at a ranch near Missoula. The symphony will stream performances for the 2020-21 season, starting with several pieces shot in advance outdoors.
“The Missoula Symphony Orchestra is moving to an online streaming model for its 2020-21 season,” writes Cory Walsh in Friday’s (8/21) Missoulian (MT). “The five masterworks concerts, spotlighting classic pieces from the repertoire and performed by smaller ensembles, will be joined by a Holiday Pops concert as well. They’ll be recorded with KUFM at different sites, some inside and some outside, and you’ll be able to watch them at home…. The symphony normally performs at the University of Montana’s Dennison Theatre, which would present too many challenges for social distancing for both the audience and the performers…. The first concert, on Friday, Sept. 18, at 7:30 p.m., features a 13-person string ensemble, a string quartet, a brass quintet and a woodwind quintet. It will be shot in advance by a KUFM crew on a ranch near Kelly Island. Executive director Jo May Salonen said it’s the MSO’s first try at a streamed concert, so having a pre-recorded hour of music would result in higher quality video, including multiple angles…. More details are pending on the later masterworks concerts, the Family Concert and Holiday Pops, which will have contributions from the Missoula Symphony Chorale in some capacity.”