“The Hartford Symphony Orchestra has furloughed musicians and three members of the administration because of the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminated one position and reduced pay for other staff members,” reads an unsigned Wednesday (9/16) report at TV station WVIT (New Britain, CT). “The Hartford Symphony Orchestra released a statement Wednesday saying this is due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the extension of governmental executive orders limiting large-scale events. In August, the orchestra announced that it had canceled Masterworks and POPS! Performances through December. The orchestra said it is working with its musicians on alternative opportunities that will allow musicians and small groups to perform virtually and possibly in-person, depending on gathering restrictions. ‘We can’t emphasize enough how appreciated the work of our musicians is, how valued they are as individuals, and how painstaking this decision-making process has been,’ HSO Executive Director Steve Collins said in a statement. ‘The only constant throughout this period of crisis has been the uncertainty of our future on a global, national and local scale. While this uncertainty may continue, so will our resolve in protecting the HSO and providing for a bright, adaptive future.’ ”
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