National Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Nurit Bar-Josef performs with the NSO, prior to the pandemic.
“When Nurit Bar-Josef performs four Mainly Mozart Festival of Orchestras drive-in concerts this week at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, it will mark several firsts for the accomplished violinist,” writes George Varga in Sunday’s (4/11) San Diego Union-Tribune. “It will be the first time the National Symphony Orchestra concertmaster has been to San Diego, the first time she has performed a drive-in concert and the first time she and members of her orchestra have teamed for performances with members of New York’s Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, whose concertmaster is Del Mar native David Chan. Bar-Josef will be one of the featured soloists for Thursday’s [4/15] performance of Vivaldi’s Concerto for Four Violins in B minor and the lone soloist for Saturday’s performance of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending…. ‘Other than playing for some non-COVID patients at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, I haven’t performed anywhere in the past year…. I am so excited!,’ says Bar-Josef.… [Mainly Mozart CEO Nancy] Laturno is now overseeing preparations for … five [orchestra] concerts … in June. They will take place outdoors, in a non-drive-in format, at a San Diego County location that is still being finalized.”