The National Endowment for the Arts has announced $25.8 million in grants in the first round of funding for the 2014 fiscal year. A total of 1,083 grants are being awarded to organizations and individuals in the categories of Art Works, which supports creation of art in thirteen artistic disciplines; Challenge America, which offers $10,000 matching grants to support projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations; and Creative Writing Fellowships, which provides non-matching grants of $25,000 to published writers. The NEA’s first round of FY14 Art Works grants includes 46 awards totaling $1,450,000 directly to orchestras, as well as numerous grants supporting related efforts. The NEA also awarded $190,000 in FY14 Challenge America Fast-Track grants to nineteen orchestras, which will strengthen their work in bringing music, educational programming, and lecture-demonstrations to underserved youth and adults. For a complete list of orchestras covered by the new grants and descriptions of what projects the grants will support, visit the League of American Orchestras.
Posted December 18, 2013