In The Columbian (Clark County, Wash.) on Monday (7/15), Stefanie Donahue writes, “The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is slowly getting back on its feet after it was on the brink of shutting down in 2011. A $30,000 grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust, announced by the symphony Monday, will fund a new advertising campaign to expand the orchestra’s mission throughout Clark County.… The organization was forced to restructure in 2011 amid a struggling economy and drop in corporate sponsors and private donations. ‘It was in huge trouble,’ [Executive Director Igor Shakhman] said. Now, the nonprofit orchestra is seeing steady improvements and growth, said Shakhman, the symphony’s only full-time employee. Shakhman hopes that the advertising campaign will continue the orchestra’s economic improvement. The entire $30,000 from the grant will be used for the campaign, he said. Their advertising will reach local newspapers, cable channels and social networks, Shakhman said. In addition, about 5,000 student ticket vouchers will be sent to schools within Clark County, he said.”
Posted July 18, 2013