The May-June issue of Symphony has just been posted online. Readers can read magazine articles—including additional online-only content—free at SymphonyOnline. Among articles in this issue are Greg Sandow’s essay on the need for drastic changes at orchestras; an examination of summer music festivals as economic engines; and the second in a series of behind-the-scenes reports from Kathryn Wyatt and Rebecca Levi on El Sistema USA. Online-only features include Stat of the Arts, an index of the classical-music business, told in numbers; and a report on the recent Michigan Orchestras Summit, where nearly 200 people brainstormed about ways to change the industry. Following the January-February and March-April issues, this is third issue of Symphony to be offered free online. The interactive website includes live links to orchestras and topics discussed in articles, and readers are invited to comment on articles via a discussion tab. Visit to get all the latest news and information about orchestras.
Posted May 3, 2010