“While orchestras have always required subsidies—whether from monarchs, the church, governments or patrons—the balance has shifted to the point where they generally get more revenue from donations than from selling tickets, according to a report released Tuesday by the League of American Orchestras,” writes Michael Cooper in Wednesday’s (11/16) New York Times. “The new report and interviews with players, administrators and union officials paint a picture of a field in transition … many [orchestras] are now going beyond merely making music, offering more educational programs and community engagement initiatives.” Jesse Rosen, the president and chief executive officer of the League of American Orchestras, “said that the report showed that while contributed income had dipped during the Great Recession, it has now recovered, and even exceeds its prerecession levels. And he said that fewer orchestras were now running deficits than during the recession.” Read the full report here.
Posted November 17, 2016