The New Mexico Symphony Orchestra in Albuquerque is in the midst of a campaign to raise $2 million for operational expenses so that the NMSO can make payroll, pay its bills, and build a sustainable future for the organization. From September 2009 through March 2010, the orchestra had raised $800,000 toward the fundraising goal; the NMSO is aiming to raise the $2 million by August 31, 2010, the end of its fiscal year. If the goal is met, the orchestra’s Shared Success Initiative—part of the work agreement with the NMSO musicians’ union ratified in November 2009—ensures that musicians will each get an equal share of 33 percent of funds raised above a balanced budget. Half of that bonus would be distributed in one lump sum early in the 2010-11 season, with the other half distributed over the 2010-11 season. As part of the Shared Success Initiative, NMSO musicians will participate actively in fundraising, helping the NMSO to reach out to existing and potential donors. Albuquerque Mayor Richard J. Berry said, “What we all need to understand is the success of the NMSO is a shared success for the rest of the community. These professional musicians fill venues, which in turn fills restaurants and shops in Nob Hill and in our Downtown district.” Coleman Travelstead, chair of the NMSO board of trustees, said, “If we don’t raise the needed funds, New Mexico could lose a state treasure, one that has been providing the magic of live music to concertgoers throughout our state for 77 years.”
Posted April 12, 2010