In Friday’s (10/18) Sacramento Bee (California), Edward Ortiz writes, “A new era dawns on the Sacramento Philharmonic on Saturday as it kicks off its 2013-14 mainstage season. The first performance of the newly reorganized orchestra will have a decidedly populist and American tone, with an all-George Gershwin multimedia concert. Starting off a season with a pops concert—for an organization with a recent history of budget woes—is considered fail-safe in the realm of orchestra programming, a perception that undoubtedly was weighed by interim executive director Jane Hill when planning the season. Hill’s tenure ended July 1 when executive director Robert Tannenbaum took the reins. Tannenbaum is charged with leading the Sacramento Region Performing Arts Alliance, the umbrella organization formed when the Sacramento Philharmonic and Sacramento Opera boards decided to merge earlier this year. That merger was mandated by the tough economic climate for both organizations recently.… The concert will inaugurate the ticketing and subscription scheme for the Sacramento Philharmonic and Sacramento Opera. In the new arrangement patrons of either organization can choose from opera or philharmonic performances for their season ticket package. The hoped-for result is that the crowd at the Community Center Theater will be a first cross-pollination of opera and symphonic patrons sitting together, said Tannenbaum.”
Posted October 18, 2013