The New York Youth Symphony has received a $500,000 grant from the Joseph F. McCrindle Foundation to go toward the orchestra’s endowment fund. The Foundation also has pledged $50,000 to underwrite NYYS’s 50th-anniversary concert at Carnegie Hall on November 25, 2012. Joseph F. McCrindle (1923-2008), a longtime supporter of the orchestra, was a literary agent and founder of the literary journal Transatlantic Review, which featured writers including William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Joyce Carol Oates, and John Updike. He established the Henfield Foundation (later the Joseph F. McCrindle Foundation) in 1959. The New York Youth Symphony offers tuition-free programs in orchestra, chamber music, jazz, apprentice conducting, and composition for tristate-area students aged 12-22.
Posted May 21, 2012